Stakeholders Consultations: Preparation of the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme – Sustainable tourism and strengthening biodiversity (Environment)
21 February 2024, Iris Hotel Eden, Vladivostocká 1539 in Prague-Vršovice (opposite the Ministry of the Environment)
In the framework of the Second Swiss Contribution, stakeholder consultations will be held on the draft "Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme - Environment" on 21 February 2024.
The main topic of discussion will be the content and mission of the Programme called "Sustainable Tourism and Biodiversity Enhancement" (BIO). The Programme is divided into two pillars while for each pillar, a separate session is held. The session dedicated to the "Sustainable tourism, especially in national parks and protected areas" will take place from 9:30 to 12:30 and will be followed up with the "Biodiversity enhancement - landscape fragmentation" session starting at 13:30. Participants can attend either or both seminars. The event will take place in the presence of representatives of the National Coordination Unit (Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic) and the donor of the Programme and will be simultaneously interpreted into English.
The aim of the consultations is to get feedback and concrete and practical recommendations on the proposed Programme.
Fourteen days prior to the event, registered participants will receive email information with details on the draft Programme and the thematic areas that will be the subject of a joint open discussion.
Basic information about the Programme:
The total allocation of the "Sustainable Tourism and Biodiversity Enhancement" Programme for 2024-2029 amounts to the total of CHF 45.18 million CHF (approximately CZK 1.084,32 million), 38.4 million of which comes from the grant funding, CHF 6.78 million from the national co-financing.
Financial range of the projects submitted:
- Large infrastructure projects with a minimum project budget of CZK 70 million. (maximum amount is determined by the allocation for the given pillar).
- Small grant-scheme projects with a project budget ranging from CZK 500.000 up to CZK 5 million.
Co-financing rate: 10% co-financing is expected for all types of final beneficiaries.
Territorial eligibility: the whole territory of the Czech Republic with the exception of Prague.
Expected announcement of the call for proposals: 2nd/3rd quarter 2024.
Project implementation: 2025 - 2028
To register for the event, please click here: